Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Meditation Music - Know About the Importance of Music in Meditation

Meditation music is a type of music widely used to enhance your session of meditation. This music is made up of gently sounds and rhythm. Meditation music works towards assisting you to obtain a deeper sense of calm, relaxation and peace. It has been proved that sound and rhythm can create emotional environments.

Researches were conducted in the 1920s and the connections between music, concentration, creativity and mental alertness were proved.

Music is capable of affecting one's body directly. Many cultures across the globe have supported this fact. For instance, the principles related to Indian music states that human beings are composed of several sounds. The vibrations produced in a particular sound can bring you in alignment with the vibrations of the universe. These have the capability to disrupt the charkas completely.

When it comes to meditation, it can either work towards inhibiting or expanding one's consciousness. This depends on the kind of selection we tend to make when purchasing meditation.

If you are curious to know the principle behind selecting the best meditation music, it is very simple. If you are looking forward to create a particular atmosphere, make sure that the tempo of the music matches the exact mood you want to bring out. For instance, you may opt for catchy and upbeat tunes for work environment or places where you need to keep yourself awake and focused.

When selecting meditation music, all you need to look for is a good and appropriate compilation of some soothing tones and sounds that will provide you what you exactly desire. Remember that you never go wrong with meditation music that is soothing, peaceful and tranquil.

Meditation music is a personal choice. You need to ask yourself about the kind of meditation music that will really work for you. You may ask some of the following questions:

a) Do I need to feel relaxed?

b) Do I need to keep myself awake?

c) Do I need to energize myself?

d) When have I actually felt the most at peace in my life?

e) What am I looking for out of this meditation session?

Also consider the following:

a) Do you like ocean?

b) Do you love the noise of waves?

c) How do you find chirping of bird?

d) Do you like jazz?

e) What about gentle piano, saxophone rhythms etc?

Meditation is a special journey. You must choose the tools that you are going to taking along.

Meditation music is widely available on the World Wide Web, several bookstores and music shops and in health and wellness stores. Using meditation CDs are very useful for you. You can use these alone or as a part of meditation program.

Whatever you choose for your meditation purpose, you need to keep your comfort level and like and dislikes to a certain pattern in mind.

Make a research, study, listen to a variety of music and then decide on one that will see helpful to you.

Written By:-Bertil Hjert

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